Bits & Pieces

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Some may say I'm a dreamer....

But I'm not the only one!!  This is a great song penned by the late John Lennon and one that I tend to reference quite a bit. Just ask my daughter - when I purchased her first Ipod, I had it inscribed with this message. 

This song comes to mind when I think about my own dreams and goals.  If you have asked me 25 years ago when I graduated high school (yes, hard to believe its been that long) what I thought I would be doing today - this would not be it.  Don't get me wrong - I have a great life, 2 wonderful kids, an incredible man as well as family and friends who are always there for me but I had bigger plans - more career related then personal.  To be honest - I let life happen to me.  I went with the flow and didn't think about things from a personal standpoint.  Was I happy? Sure - at some point along the way though I lost that.  Can't say I can pinpoint the exact moment but it happened.  Career wise - I thought when I graduated high school that I would attend college and get a great paying job and move up the corporate ladder.  Well - I did attend college and earned my Associates Degree.  It wasn't until 17 years later that I went back to school and earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees.  Trust me - it wasn't easy but I am thankful I did it - even if it took a while to get there - I'm happier for it today!!

So let's talk about you.  Do you have a dream or goal that you wanted to reach and something happened that derailed you? How did you handle it? Did you throw in the towel or did you go back at it, with a vengeance, to reach that goal?

The Olympic games made me think about all the struggles and hardships the athletes deal with to get to the podium and earn the medals.  Many of them work hard and fought, not only during the games, but in the years leading up the games, and they stuck with their dream and kept that medal in sight. What is inside them as individuals that pushed them to continue and not give up? There are dozens of individuals that you could look to as inspiration to help keep you moving forward.

Another thought comes to mind when thinking about this topic.  I am going to take liberties and talk about my niece Bailey.  She had a goal in mind and she fought until she got it.  She is an inspiration to me and I will explain why.  (I apologize in advance Bailey if I don't get the story completely correct but the principle of what you accomplished I hope shines through!!).  We will go back to her first year in high school and she wanted to learn to speak arabic.  A local college offered a foreign language academy that she applied to attend the next year.  She was not chosen for that class so her senior year, she reapplied and was accepted.  She then applied to the LROTC (Language based ROTC program) and was not accepted because the program only took a small number of participants from across the country.  When she wasn't accepted - she didn't take this as defeat or that a wall was placed in her way - instead she enlisted in the Navy.  During this entire period and boot camp - others tried to discourage her but she believed in herself and stuck with the it.  I wish I had just a small percentage of the confidence this young lady has!! She is living her dream - doing what she set in her mind she wanted to do.  She never gave up and is currently a CTI (cytologist) with the Navy.  I will add that her brother, Riley, is no different.  He has had some challenges thrown his way and he too is following his dream of becoming a Nuclear Physics.

My point is this - don't ever give up on that goal or dream.  Keep pushing forward and if you run into a locked door - you have choices.  Walk away and forget the dream, knock the door down or go through the dang window!! 

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”~Rocky Balboa~


Saturday, February 15, 2014


Do you make an impression on those you meet? You could and may not even realize it. If you've read or seen "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom you may be astounded by the people who have a hand in the direction your life has taken.

I was reminded of this topic this morning when I went to the post office. A little back story for you...I moved into Thornville two years ago. The post office does not deliver mail in town so residents are required to have post office boxes. I check my mail about 2-3 times a week, more often if I am expecting a package. I've been in the post office on a Saturday morning at most 30 times in the last two years. This morning, as I was having a package mailed, the post master says you me, "I saw you put in a forwarding mail order?". I told her I had in fact & we discussed my having to return my keys at the end of the month. Her final comment to me was, "We are going to miss you!".

Wow...didn't realize I had made an impression on her in the very few interactions we have had over the last 2 years. Really makes you step back & think how you act around others & what impression you leave on those you meet everyday. I would challenge each of you to make the most impression you can on those you meet everyday, in all interactions!!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Live with Purpose & Intention

Many of us have been dealing with the major cold snap that has hit the Midwest and seemingly stalled - bringing with it snow and below average temperatures.  I hope you are all managing with the multiple weather issues and are in need of some inspiration!! If you are hoping for some fluff piece - I hate to disappoint you, but no fluff here!! I want to give you something to thing about, really dig your teeth into.  
2 years ago last month I moved out on my own - leaving behind a home I had helped to design and build and started a new chapter in my life.  Recently, I've thought to myself, “Wow. 2 years—that went really fast. What have I done during those two years? Did I accomplish anything? Did I take steps forward or backward? Do I like the person I am today? Is there anything I need to do to better myself? Two years from now - I want to be able to say that “I have continued to make positive changes in my life and have impacted the lives of others along the way.” Time moves way too fast and if you don’t make some plans for who you want to become, you become who everyone else wants you to be. If you do not live with purpose and intention, you end up where you did not intend to go.

Every thing you do, every action, should start with a thought - whether subconsciously or consciously.  Do you often find yourself on autopilot? Did you drive to work this morning and at some point along the way, thought to yourself, how did I get here? You have probably done that 100s of times - could be getting dressed, getting the kids off to school, reading your texts, and the list goes on.  

I actually came across another blog post a few months ago that really got me thinking.  It was a post about 18 summers (  The summers you get to spend raising your kids until they grow up and go off to college.  18 years seems like a long time when that sweet, innocent, tiny baby is laid in your arms.  Seems a little overwhelming thinking that you have 18 years to nourish, teach and let them grow up.  But 18 summers? That seems pretty short!!  What if I told you, at my age, if I live the average life expectancy, that I have 27 summers left? Certainly makes you step back and really focus on how you want to spent those next 27 summers?? I may have more or I may have less - that is all unknown but do I want to waste ANY of them, not being purposeful with how I spend the time?? My answer would be no!!
What if you lived your live more consciously? What if you woke up and purposely set in your mind a thought for the day? Just one. Don't let life just slip by - set out with a purpose and intention.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. — John Quincy Adams



Friday, February 7, 2014


What exactly is an “affirmation”?  Well – it’s basically something that is affirmed or declared to be true. 

In other words, those little things we say to ourselves, likely, on a daily basis.  Something like – I am a hard worker.  If you say it – then you believe it and you tend to be just that. 

Ask any successful person if they use affirmations to assist them with positioning themselves for growth and success and my guess is – they will confirm that they do. Think about anyone you know who has had bad news thrown their way – be it on a personal level or physical level.  When they talk positively about their situation and tell themselves that thing will get better – does it? 9 out of 10 times I would argue that it does.


Affirmations are those tiny thoughts in our head – and they can be very powerful words. If you are struggling with something – use them in a way that works for you, not against you.  If you repeat them over and over, on a daily basis, they will grab a hold and make a difference. 

Those tiny thoughts can also work against you.  It tells us the opposite of what we believe.  For example, you got a great new haircut and you LOVE it!! Makes you look 10 years younger.  You tell yourself how great you look…but that tiny voice says – you shouldn’t have cut your hair so short.  Over several days – that tiny voice may wind its way through your thoughts and suddenly you think – I wish I still had that longer hair.  The tiny voice wins. NEVER let the tiny voice win!!! You need to ignore that voice and stick to your affirmation. 

Affirmations should do several things – support your goal or dream; be said in present tense (“I am” NOT “I will”) and be simple to remember.  If you must – write it on a post-it note and put it on your mirror so you see it every morning!!

What are your personal affirmations? A few of mine are below:
















Monday, February 3, 2014

Long time - No see!!

I'm back folks!! I know its been some time since I have posted anything to this blog (28 months to be exact) but a lot has changed since then.  My initial hope was to be able to post information that I thought was not only helpful to me in my career but also add a little humor to your day (and mine) and to, basically, get things off my chest.

I told you initially that I would steer clear of political and religious points of view - and I will still continue to do that.  There are waaaay to many varying viewpoints on either subject and while I hold pretty strong beliefs and convictions in both arenas - not going to air that here.

What have I been doing and why have I been away so long?? Life happened folks!! I am not going to bore you with details but I have made a lot of changes in my life - starting with myself.  2 years ago when I looked at myself in the mirror - I didn't like what I saw.  Today - I can tell you, I am a different, stronger, more resilient then I ever imagined, individual.  The kids are my main focus and I am always there for them.  My daughter, MacKenzie, will graduate in a few short months (if you can see me, I am pulling my hair out, stressing about this whole process!!) and Ryan will be finishing his Freshman year.  Not sure how they grew up so fast but I am very proud of both of them.  I have a great man in my life, who I am so thankful to have by my side, and I adore his son as much as my own.

Anyway - enough about me.  My goal at this point is to post once a week...although there may be times where I exceed that goal but I want to make sure its achievable!! So....start watching for my commentary coming your way.  You may find it inspirational, thought provoking, retched or boring.  I can only promise that I will do my best to at least make it interesting....and just maybe, you might be talking about my posts around the water cooler one day (or in the back of some darkly lite, dirty, dingy bar) - either one of which would make me equally happy!! 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Attitude is Everything

How many times has one obstacle or another derailed your day and turned what started out as a good day into something less than perfect?  If I had a dollar for every time this happened – I would probably be a millionaire.  Sometimes, you can even plan out your day but then it just all falls apart and you are left with the same to do list you started with that morning.

Let’s face it – chaos is all around us.  Just look at the stock market and you will witness this on a daily basis (or so it seems).  Even though you may not be into investing in stocks – you should still pay attention to what is going on.  It can affect the industry you work in, which in turn affects your company, which in turn – affects you.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens around you – you can control something…your attitude.  How you choose to respond to obstacles placed in your path, either positively or negatively, will affect your attitude. 

A few years ago, a gentleman came to our site to speak and provide some insight into this very subject.  Steve Gilliland is a professor speaker and author.  One of the books he had available was called “Enjoy the Ride”.  In this book, he talks about the true joy if life is the trip itself so enjoy it while you can.  One thing Steve talks about in his book and he spoke about to our company was “No one can ruin your day without your permission”.  Chapter 4 of this book is on this exact subject.  Steve says, “We have to put up with a little rain some days in order to see the rainbow.”  How you react the obstacles in your life will ultimately determine the outcome of the situation. 

Here is a short excerpt from the book:

Fumbling is part of football , failing is part of succeeding, and hurting is part of loving.  Every situation in life is our perception of it, not the reality of it.  The glass is half empty or half full, and sometimes our perception will be based on whether we’re pouring or drinking (Gilliland, Steve. (2005). Enjoy the Ride. Advantage Media Group).
So, next time you run into an obstacle or someone “gets under your skin”, remember – you have a choice.  Find something positive in the situation and don’t allow negatively to creep into your life.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hello again...

So sorry I have not posted anything in over a month.  It seems as though life has just keep me entirely too busy! While this isn't necessarily a bad thing - I do feel bad for not posting anything.  I have a ton of ideas and information that I want to share! I am working on some posts now and will start back up with blogging next week.  If there is anything of interest that you would like me to cover - please let me know.  Until next time...have a great weekend...and GO BUCKS!!
